Claire at 10-11 months

Claire is now nearly 15 Months! Here are the 10 & 11 month developments. Months 12-15 coming soon!

10 Months

  • (Kind of) learning to use a spoon
  • Claire gives the best hugs! Sometimes she really holds on like a little monkey and it is so sweet.
  • Current nickname: monkey
  • is quickly growing in 2 little bottom bunny rabbit teeth
  • has been known to take more than a few running steps spanning the length of the couch (with the support of the couch)
  • loves her board books
  • Claps her hands a lot! When we come into the room she almost always claps her hands. We clap for her when she does things and she claps along.
  • Not sure if I ever wrote this, but one of the cutest things she has done ever since she was about 4 months is hold her mouth open and looks at you, expectantly awaiting the schnulie to be put in. I was drinking a smoothie with a straw the other day. I was holding her and looked over and she was sitting there with her mouth wide open, waiting for me to give her the straw. It was so cute.
  • Loves the freeze-dried yogurt bites. We give them to her when she is upset and she often calms down.
  • Still fascinated by opening and closing the blinds.
  • Got stuck between the couch and the wall several times, while opening and closing the blinds. She wedges in perfectly and her little hips get stuck. She is fine with it until you try to take her out. Then she starts crying.
  • She finally broke off one of the door stoppers in the bathroom. She cried for about 10 seconds, then got over it. It was funny (then I learned they are a major choking hazard and had them all replaced – so no need to worry :))
  • Attended her first wedding and had her first few dances!
  • Wore her first pair of tights. I didn’t know they made tights that little. Thanks to Nancy, we are now the proud owners of size 9 month white tights. Just holding them up after they were washed made me happy. I held them up for Michael and said look how cute! And proceeded to fold them into a cute little rectangle. Ever since before she was born, folding her laundry has brought me joy. I eventually decided it isn’t even worth it to ask other people to fold her laundry because I have a specific way I like her clothes to be folded, but I don’t want to come across as a psycho with my laundry folding specifications. And besides, I decided, I don’t even want to deprive myself of the joy of folding her cute, tiny clothes. I could go on and on, but basically, it just makes me so happy to fold her clothes! I’m not sure if this is a common mom sentiment or maybe I am just that weird. But I don’t care. If I got anything out of Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, it is the joy of folding clothes. I don’t have it as much for bigger clothes, but baby clothes have the magical joy factor for sure.
  • Just learned how to unzip my bag. When I turned around and she was holding the giant scissors I keep in there, I knew the day had come that I would have to find a new place to keep them.
  • Grabbed her bottle all on her own!
  • Said dadadada one night. Michael cheered for her and she laughed and laughed as if she knew how to say it all along.

11 Months

  • Took her first steps in our living room on Mother’s Day! Michael had her walker in the living room and we took her out of it. It gave her a starting point a few feet away from the couch so she felt confident that she could make it that far. It was so nice that Michael and I were both there to see it happen for the first time. She took a few more short walks in the living room that evening. And she is fast!
  • Michael said the other day “Claire’s eyes are turning the prettiest shade of brown, like her mom’s.” <3
  • Found bite marks on the crib (at either 10 or 11 months)
  • Sometimes when she is standing in the living room she puts her head on the floor like she is about to do a sommersalt or a headstand. It’s only a matter of time I guess! (update from 15 months: maybe it was a downward dog yoga pose?)
  • Says bye-bye and extends her arm when someone is leaving the room.
  • Says Mama & Dada.
  • Grew out of her baby bath sling just a few days before turning one. She had probably already outgrown it but when she sat up on the unsteady sling I knew for sure it was time to retire until the next baby (who is coming soon!)